
Colour cartoon with a scientist and philosopher discussing the annihilation of matter and special relativity in a bar.




Colour cartoon with a scientist and students discussing the concept of a finite universe.




Colour cartoon with Plato and Aristotle.




Colour cartoon with a cabbie and computer geek discussing the relevanceness of academia.



Colour cartoon about fallacy number 13 at camp atheism.




Colour cartoon with a scientist and student discussing immortality.




Colour cartoon with a writer and his musings.




Colour cartoon with a philosopher and student discussing Christianity and the Free Crown Point.



Colour cartoon about an iJab robot's disclaimer page regarding nasty computer viruses.



Colour cartoon with a scientist and student discussing the fundamental premise of physics.




Colour cartoon with a philosopher and student discussing the origin of life.




Colour cartoon with a group of scientists discussing research funding methods.




Colour cartoon with a CEO and reporters at a press briefing.




Colour cartoon of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful uses of Outer Space or COPUOS.




Colour cartoon at the divine alchemist new age bookstore where the discussion is about linguistic gymnastics, astrology, lack of consistency, horoscope, aroma therapy, quantum psychic parasite, transcendental harmonic convergence, channeling, inner ascended master, reflexology adjustments, human anatomy, willful misconduct, attunement rhythms, hidden pyramid of atlantis, crystal enlightenment, shaman supermind, cosmic consciousness and aura energisation.



Colour cartoon with a philosopher and friend discussing villians, Hollywood heroes and the holy.




Colour cartoon with a philosopher and scientist discussing the earth as a possible Anonymity Biosphere.




Colour cartoon with a philosopher and scientist discussing the earth as a possible Anonymity Biosphere with deeper detail.




Colour cartoon with a philosopher and TV producer discussing hot-button philosophical issues.




Colour cartoon with a guide and new selectee in Heaven, discussing the use of fossil props inside Anonymity Biospheres.



Colour cartoon with a preacher demonstrating lukewarm Christianity.



Colour cartoon with a philosopher and student discussing the faith versus reason controversy and the fundamental premise of knowledge.



Colour cartoon about the liberal media's moral equivalencies.



Colour cartoon about the love commandments in the Bible and the worldly church.



Colour cartoon about intrinsic intelligence and the fundamental forces of nature.



Colour cartoon about playing the ignorance card at the Pearly Gates.



Colour cartoon on Christianity and the passion slave.



Colour cartoon on the issue of suffering, omniscience and freewill.



Colour cartoon on God, rationalism and ironic science.



Colour cartoon on Atheist enlightenment over the perilous City of Tomorrow.



Colour cartoon on Biblical inerrancy and upgrading infallible software.



Colour cartoon outlining a philosophical insight into love and trust list's.



Colour cartoon outlining the Earth and beehive analogy.



Colour cartoon on robot thinking, knowing, learning and consciousness.



Colour cartoon on the errors of being an atheist by geography.



Colour cartoon on self-appointed scientists barking conclusions, based off their flaky premises.



Colour cartoon on the irrationality of a runaway artificial intelligence explosion and the over-inflated expectations of some scientists.




Philosophical dialog about chess players.